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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2008
1130 Main Street, Senior Center

Members Present:        D. Lindberg, R. Ricker, Prager, O. Lies, W. Ritter, C. Stanovich, Al Bonofiglio

Master Plan Committee:Co-chair Michael Wronski, CoChair Barbara Kohlstrom; Joe Giotta, Judith Haran

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner

7:30 p.m.       The Planning Board meeting was called to order.

7:30 p.m.       PUBLIC HEARING Site Plan/Special Permit Amendment Mt. Pleasant Holden Hills – The public hearing notice was read into record and the hearing was opened.  Holden Hills is requesting an amendment to the existing special permit/site plan approval for relief from the affordability requirement for five units.  The applicant was not present and the hearing was continued to the last item on the agenda.

The Planning Board requested the following items be investigated:
When C.B. Blair Builders will be paving Chapel Street as required in the Planning Board approval for Alden Woods.
The status of two lots for sale on Malden Street.
A large garage on Holden Street is operating a business and possibly leasing space for automotive repair.
Address the possibility of creating a windmill by-law.
Check dust control measures at the Deer Run subdivision.

ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Recommendations Side Yard Setback - Variance - 31 Deane Avenue – Amaral:  R-2 Zoning district.  The applicant is requesting a variance for 3.2 feet of relief to construct an addition with an 11.8’ setback.  W. Ritter made a motion the application had no planning significant, R. Ricker seconded, all in favor.

APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED – Surrey Lane Definitive Subdivision – Erin’s Way - Sean Xenos:  2,019 square feet is being transferred from Lot 4r to Lot 3 to accommodate for a driveway.  Both lots meet the minimum zoning requirements.  R. Ritter motioned the plan was entitled to endorsement. C. Prager seconded the motion, all in favor.

The Planning Board took a ten-minute recess.

Holden Hills:  At 8:00 p.m. the applicant was not present, Carol Prager asked the lighting issue be investigated.  R. Ricker made a motion to continue the public hearing to the September 9, 2008 meeting, Al Bonofiglio seconded the motion, all were in favor.

8:00 p.m.  MASTER PLAN:  Co-Chairs Barbara Kohlstrom and Michael Wronski were present to answer Planning Board questions.  The Planning Board reviewed questions submitted by O. Lies regarding the economic development section.  Mr. Lies expressed disappointment that the Economic Development Commission was not consulted on the relevant draft of the Master Plan.  Mr. Lies stated the plan should not prohibit “big box” retail stores because chains will eventually locate in town and are needed to expand the tax base.  M. Wronski explained the Plan did not prohibit construction of chains but “big box” construction, recommending detailed architectural controls to prevent big box style buildings.  The term “big box” refers to a type of development and is not specific to chain stores, though chain stores typically construct this type of building.  Size can be camouflaged by utilizing proper roof pitches and architectural elements while maintaining the New England character resident’s desire.

The next question Mr. Lies asked why the Committee was not placing the Plan on a warrant article for approval at Town meeting.  The statute requires Planning Board approval. The Committee felt it would be difficult to bring such a long and involved document to the Town meeting floor.  A large majority of the recommendation items will require additional research, public meetings and Town meeting vote in the future.

R. Ritter felt announcing the approval of the Master Plan at Town meeting and pursuing each item individually is a logical strategy.

O. Lies wanted to delay voting on the Master Plan to allow for public notice, other members noted the Master Plan Committee has conducted two years of public meetings and outreach and this is the third meeting the Planning Board has conducted.  Ample opportunity has been provided for public hearing.

R. Ricker motioned to approve the Master Plan, W.Ritter seconded the motion, all in favor.

NEXT MEETING:  August 19, 2008, at 7:30 PM. at the Holden Senior Center.

O. Lies motioned to adjourn.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 9:30 PM.

July 15, 2008 minutes approved: August 19, 2008         

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary